Tyre Labelling Directive

The Tyre Labelling Directive is currently being reviewed, in light of the low-emissions transport report published by the Commission. This label is fundamental to the business models of all tyre manufacturers and the decisions taken by the Commission on the nature of this label will have lasting impacts. The Commission is currently in the process of consulting on the nature of both the wet grip and the tread which the association is already engaged with. However, the Commission have recently made clear they intend to also review the noise criteria on the label.



EC noise policy negotiations September – November
EC Tyre Labelling technical negotiations September – January 2018
European Parliament Tyre Label Review December – February 2018
European Council Tyre Label negotiations January – March 2018

Tyre Labelling Directive is an issue for imported tyre manufacturers

Tyre Labelling Directive is a significant piece of legislation that could hTyre Labelling Directiveave a major impact on all tyre manufacturers. The new noise requirements being considered by the European Commission will impose new targets and restrictions upon the type of tyre sold within the Union. Chelgate can ensure that you are engaged with the right people and the right time in order to ensure the needs of their clients are fully represented and business models are not interrupted due to lobbying by other stakeholders. Chelgate can also ensure that the companies are kept fully informed of the European Commission work on the other two label criteria and help shape the narrative the market should be adopting in order to make maximum use of their position on the technical committees.


The low-emission mobility strategy frames the initiatives that the Commission is planning in the coming years and it maps the areas in which it is exploring options. The Commission’s low-emission mobility strategy aims to increase the efficiency of the transport system by making the most of digital technologies, smart pricing and further encouraging the shift to lower emission transport modes.



Impact Assessment Late June/early September 2017
Stakeholder engagement Late June/early 2018
Open Consultation Q3 2017/ Q1 2018
Negotiation Q2 2018/late Q3 2018
Adoption Q4 2018

Potential issue for imported tyre manufacturers

Tyres will play an important role in meeting the EU’s emission reduction targets. The Commission are currently reviewing various legislative packages which will affect the business models of tyre manufacturers such as labelling, toll charging, road safety and emission performance targets.


The European Commission is currently carrying out two evaluations, so-called fitness checks of EU chemicals registration. One on REACH – this evaluation is likely to be completed in late Q2 early Q3 2017, following an open consultation in mid-2016. The second is on the most relevant chemicals legislation excluding REACH – this evaluation is due to be completed by Q4 2017.

During the course of 2017, the European Commission is expected to come forward with a number of proposals and initiatives – these include:

  • Clarifying the requirements related to nanomaterials under REACH
  • Publishing a strategy for a non-toxic environment
  • Registration requirements for low-volume substances
  • Polymers



Type of evaluation Evaluation/Ex post/Mixed
Lead EU Commission DG GROW D1/ ENV A3
Date of Roadmap 18/5/16
Planned completion date Deadline for report: 1 June 2017


For more information on Tyre Labelling Directive and the likely impact on the tyre manufacturing industry, please contact Chris Morris.

April 30th, 2017 by Christopher Morris