Pocket parks springing up across cities and towns

June 25th, 2021 by Christopher Morris

The role of pocket parks in urban centres is gaining greater recognition, with various cities beginning to install these tiny green spaces in their urban regeneration and decarbonisation plans. One recent example is Athens, where numerous pocket-sized parks have been developed in previously disused alleyways and disused plots. Not every city park has to be Read More…

Norway determined to prove CCS is real

June 25th, 2021 by Christopher Morris

Few things result in such diversity of opinion within the sustainability policy debates than Carbon Capture Storage (CCS). Whilst some see it as an essential technology to mitigate the effects of industry on the environment, others consider it nothing more than an expensive fossil fuel subsidy. However, the Norwegian Government has initiated a full-scale carbon Read More…

Sevilla’s Orange Fuel

June 25th, 2021 by Christopher Morris

When you think Sevilla, you think of long promenades of orange trees. These glossy citrus fruits provide the perfect food for its citizens and tourists. However, given the boom of orange trees in the southern Spanish city, the region has large surpluses of oranges, especially in the winter. While beautiful when hanging from the tree, Read More…

Florence’s Smart Trams

June 25th, 2021 by Christopher Morris

Even the oldest city centres require modern innovations to develop intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Florence, one of the oldest and grandest of all European city centres, has recently deployed three new smart trams on their streets. The smart tram project is part of the EU-funded ELASTIC project, developing new systems to provide real-time location Read More…