Tyre Labelling Directive

On 17 May 2018 the EU Commission presented proposaTAXE3ls for updating and improving the EU regulation for the labelling of tyres (Tyre Labelling Directive), within the broader package of measures on low carbon mobility. The reviewed tyre label will be in operation for six years, following adoption, before another review will be considered. The Commission carried out an ex-post evaluation of the TLR in preparation of the current review. This evaluation concluded that the effectiveness and efficiency of the TLR can be further improved, in particular by:

  • increasing consumers’ awareness of and confidence in the label (which will make them more likely to use the label information when purchasing tyres), and
  • improving market surveillance to ultimately achieve in full the three objectives of the TLR.


The proposal retains the objectives and main principles of the current TLR but extends its scope by:

  • updating the tyre label and allowing for its revision;
  • improving the visibility of the label to consumers by requiring that it be shown in all situations where tyres are sold; and setting requirements in relation to internet and distance selling and as other situations where the tyres are not physically seen by the consumer;
  • requiring that information on the snow and ice performance of tyres be included on the label;
  • allowing for the future inclusion of mileage and abrasion, if appropriate, as a parameter for the label;
  • allowing for the future inclusion of re-treaded tyres, if appropriate;
  • requiring that the label be shown in visual advertisements and in technical promotional material;
  • extending to C3 tyres the requirement for the label to be shown;
  • extension of the type approval process to include the label declaration;
  • improving enforcement by creating an obligation to register
  • tyres in the product database established under Regulation (EU) 2017/1369;
  • Adjusting the grading of tyre parameters in Annex I;
  • Updating the label in Annex II (in particular to show a “snow” icon);
  • Adding Annexes on information requirements;
  • Replacing the annex on the testing method for measuring the wet grip index (G) of C1 tyres with a reference to the relevant measurement methods.


The proposal has now been sent to the European Parliament and European Council for scrutiny over the coming months. The European Parliament, in particular, has made clear that they wish to propose several major amendments to the current proposal prior to further negotiations with the European Commission in early 2019. The European Parliament will begin substantive scrutiny of the Commission proposal in the Internal Market Committee and the Environment Committee, following the summer recess in September.


This revised label will be in place for six years before it is reviewed again. Therefore, the current negotiations present a unique opportunity for interested stakeholders to influence the type of label their businesses will have to adhere too over the coming decade.
The review of the tyre label will result substantial changes to the current label – as well as the criteria and benchmarks applied to the categories. With the Commission proposal now published, there is now a time-limited opportunity to proactively influence the content of the Tyre Label Directive via engagement with the European Parliament and European Council.


As noted, the European Parliament will now scrutinise the Commissions’ position and propose amendments. The ITRE Committee have been awarded the rapporteurship of the main Tyre Labelling Report, with the ENVI Committee rapporteuring the Opinion to the Report. The Shadow Rapporteurs to the Report and Opinion shall be allocated following the parliamentary summer recess.


The European Parliament indicative committee calendar has yet to be formally announced. However, we understand that the draft timetable – subject to political agreements during negotiations – will aim to begin the substantive negotiations will commence immediately after the summer recess, with a parliamentary vote before the end of the year.

Indicative EP Committee timetable:

  • Draft Report – Early September
  • Amendment deadline – Late September
  • Final Report – Late October
  • Plenary vote – November
  • Final legislative Trilogue – December/January 2019 onward


The Austrian Presidency has just begun their six-month rotating presidency of the EU Council and will therefore be the first presidency to scrutinise the tyre labelling proposals. However, given the time this legislative package would take to negotiate, it is likely that the trilogue negotiations between the Parliament, Council and Commission will likely take place in early 2019 under the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council.

You can download our analysis here. Tyre Labelling Directive Review

If you want to discuss this further please contact Chris Morris by email.