Strategic Public Affairs


Chelgate Public Affairs is an independent political communications agency located in Brussels and London 

We help clients navigate through the political environment in Brussels and Westminster by providing political analysis and influence. Counting on 25 years’ experience in the European and UK political institutions, Chelgate functions as the hinge between your organisation and decision-makers at the local, national and European level.  

While we at Chelgate Public Affairs work across all sectors, we particularly pride ourselves on our award-winning work in the environmental, transport and circular economy policy areas.  


Let us help


Big or small, we believe every business and trade association can become an engaged stakeholder – to share their knowledge, expertise and insight with the policymakers.

Chelgate work to ensure that clients are kept up to date with forthcoming policy proposals and provide bespoke engagement strategies to ensure our clients can play a role in shaping the legislative process.

If you want to start the conversation about how you could engage with Brussels and Westminster, please contact us and we’d be happy to guide you through the process.